Thursday, July 23, 2009

FAB Flamingos!

Have you ever tried poking a real live flamingo into the ground? Let me tell you, it's not easy. But, I have some good news - here at The Flower Pot, our flirty flock is fab, fake and ready to fill up your yard!
We've been steadily working all summer on our Flamingogramme packages to give our customers maximum options for all possible budgets. Starting at just $39 for a do-it-yourself flamingo rental, all the way up to $199 for the most spectacular, all-inclusive flamingo lawn display - we've got something for everyone.
Try adding our new HFM (Happy Face Messenger) to send your message along with the birds (after all, they can't talk). Or, add a custom-made sign if you want passersby to say "She turned HOW old?" And, if you love your flamingo display as much as Dan (above) did, why not have us take a picture of the setup? We'll print it on a mug, and deliver it to you when we whisk the display away at the end of the day. Visit our flamingo section to see everything available to you today!


Sprout said...

Too funny!

Massachusetts is the home of the original pink flamingo lawn ornament, by Union Products. Sad to say Union closed a place in NY bought the molds...sorry to see them coming out of Yankee territory now...


Vicky Miller said...

Sprout - You're talking about the original of the original pink flamingos designed by Don Featherstone! You must hold a PhD in lawn ornaments! :)